Wednesday, July 15, 2009

explaining the inexplicable...

it's been a little too long since i blogged.
mainly because i've been reallly busy.
playing shows.
and watching my boyfriend work on his car.

but i've picked up this book again.
"mere christianity."
that i had started reading about a month ago.
and there was something in there.
that i thought so profound...
i just had to share it.

now, yes.
i am a devout christian.
and have very strong views on my religion.
but don't get this wrong.
i am not preaching.
that is not what i do.
because i can assure you.
my boyfriend...
who is a staunch atheist.
would not appreciate that in the least.

and i am probably one of the more logical, tolerant.
and self-contained believers you'll meet.
because i feel that my spirituality is very personal.
and so i do not perpetrate my ideals onto anyone.
as to interfere with their personal journey.
this is mainly me sharing my findings.

now if you don't know c.s. lewis.
you've either been living under a rock.
or are as intelligent as one.
but he's the famed ex-atheist.
who brought you the chronicles of narnia.

but he was also critically acclaimed for his lesser known.
adult-oriented works.
like "the screwtape letters"


i've been reading a mere christianity.
in which c.s. lewis takes a logical approach.
in explaining why christianity.
and faith in general.
are quite possibly the only sensible answer.
but in this chapter i'm reading.
he speaks about the christian virtue, hope.
and in analyzing this he begins with...

"creatures are not born with desires...
unless satisfaction for those desires exists."

we get hungry.
because there is such a thing as food.
we get tired.
because there is sleep.
so if we take an introspective approach.
we'll understand that we, as humans.
continually try to find happiness.
in things that are in this world.
and most times.
the intense passion we had originally.
for our lover.
or career.
or hobbies, even.
realistically will fade away.
maybe sometimes slower than others.
but it will, nonetheless.

so what does our perpetual dissatisfaction say?
about us?
about the world?
does that mean this universe is a fraud?
only that there must be a relief of such longing.
and if proven to not be of this world.
then quite possibly another.
and that maybe the things of this world.
were only meant to excite and arouse those feelings.
but never quite satisfy them.
and we shouldn't mistake them for the things.
of which they are only an imitation.
or echo.

we all have our own ideas of what heaven is.
it is a thing or indescribable proportions.
something that can neither be expressed nor conjured.
but most of us have a feeling.
that this can't be it.

c.s. lewis spent his entire life.
trying to disprove the idea of christianity.
and i find this so amazing.
because inevitably.
if you search hard enough for the truth.
you will find it.

"aim at heaven.
and you will get earth 'thrown in':
aim at earth and you will get neither."

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